Various factors should be taken to account when picking a payment method that you wish to use. Those can be the availability at various online and land-based stores, convenience, security, low fees, and more. If you are looking for a payment method, allowing you to spend a bit more money than you actually have, then you should consider using Klarna.
Basic Information about Klarna
It is one of those payment methods that can allow you to purchase more expensive goods and services that you can afford at the moment. It is a UK payment method that has great popularity in the local market. This option is accepted by over 5,000 merchants across the country.
In essence, it works like a loan because you buy something and then pay your debts in a few installments. If you want to opt for short-term debt, then you will pay no interest fee. Also, this operation will not be added to your credit history. In case of opting for long-term credit, Klarna will work as a credit card. This means that you will pay an interest rate. Some credits are given for 6-36 months. In some cases, customers must undergo a full credit check.
How to Use Klarna?
It is possible to use the Klarna payment method in three different ways:
- Pay in Three;
- Pay in 30 days;
- Financing.
Pay in Three
This service works pretty simply. You can pay for your purchase in full within 60 days. All in all, you will make three payments:
- First payment — at the store when making a purchase;
- Second payment — in 30 days;
- Third payment — in 60 days.
Every time, you will get a reminder about the next payment.
To opt for this option, you need to provide the following:
- Full name;
- Bank card details;
- Address.
Klarna will conduct a quick check to ensure your creditworthiness and the decision will be taken quickly. That is a good option for customers who do not have enough money to pay for their purchases, but they are capable of covering their total cost within two months.
Klarna Pay in 30 Days
In this case, you will be given a 30-day timeframe to pay for your purchases. This means that you buy today, and make full payment in a month. While you will not need to give any bank details in this case, a soft credit check will be run. That is a good option for those who do not have enough money at the moment, but they will get the needed amount in 30 days.
Also, opting for this solution allows buying several items at once if you are not sure which one will be good for you. Eventually, you will return the purchases that you do not need to the seller and pay only for items that you decide to keep. This will be your liability to make the full payment when the deadline comes.
Klarna Financing
This option is the right choice for those who need from 6 to 36 months to pay for their purchases. You will find out about the interest rate at the point of sale. To opt for this solution, you will need to send a full application form.
Bottom Line
Klarna is a convenient and affordable way to finalize your purchases even if you do not have sufficient funds. If you live in the UK, you should not miss this option to buy stuff that you cannot afford at the moment.