SCHEDULE request
Registers a schedule for the regular SALE secondary transactions. Transactions are created by Payment Platform, based on data taken from primary transaction.
This request is sent by POST in the background (eg, through PHP CURL).
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Values | Required field |
action | Register recurring schedule | SCHEDULE | + |
client_key | Unique client key (CLIENT_KEY) | + | |
order_amount | The amount of the transaction | Numbers in the form XXXX.XX (without leading zeros) |
+ |
order_description | Transaction description (product name) | String up to 1024 characters | + |
recurring_first_trans_id | Transaction ID of the primary transaction in the Payment Platform |
+ |
period | Period in days to perform the payments | Numbers in the form XXX | + |
init_period | Delay in days before performing the first payment. If not provided, the first payment will be done as soon as possible. | Numbers in the form XXX | – |
times | The number of times the payments will be done. Not provided or zero value means unlimited number of payments | Numbers in the form XXX |
– |
hash | Special signature to validate your request to payment platform | ** (Appendix A) |
+ |
Response parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | SCHEDULE |
result | SUCCESS |
status | ENABLED |
order_id | Transaction ID of the primary transaction in the Client system |
trans_id | Transaction ID of the primary transaction in the Payment Platform |
After processing each of scheduled RECURRING_SALE transactions, Payment Platform sends response to Client’s Callback URL:
Parameter | Description |
result | SUCCESS |
order_id | Transaction ID in the Client’s system |
trans_id | Transaction ID in the Payment Platform |
trans_date | Transaction date in the Payment Platform |
descriptor | This is a string which the owner of the credit card will see in the statement from the bank.In most cases, this is the Customers support web-site. |
auth_code | Bank approval code |
recurring_token | Recurring token (get if account support recurring sales and was initialization transaction for following recurring) |
hash | Special signature, used to validate callback ** (Appendix A) |